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Artificial Stone Production Technology and Dosage of Components

This page is devoted to a general description of the production process and examples of the consumption of the materials for the production of artificial stone.

Production Technology.

Is there a clear "technology" for the production of artificial stone, and what, in fact, is behind this concept? The essence of the process of production of a decorative facing stone can be briefly formulated as follows: painted liquid mortrar (for example, cement or gypsum) is poured into a mould, where it sets over time. Output result is a painted product with the characteristics corresponding to the used raw materials. The mould only provides a certain size and relief. Thus, the whole "point of the technology" is hidden precisely in the proportions and properties of the used materials. Unfortunately, it is impossible to ensure uniform dosages for all types of materials, since the ratio of the used raw materials directly depends on its properties (brand, freshness, quality, purity, manufacturer, etc.). The exact proportions and characteristics for the production of artificial stone can only be determined for the specific raw material you use! The composition of the used mortrar and the properties of the used components affect the final properties of the finished product. The general rule for all materials mixed with water: reduction of the amount of water for the mixture to the minimum possible allows increasing the strength of the finished product. For example, the use of high-grade raw materials (sculpted gypsum) and/or the use of suitable plasticizers for gypsum (cement) can reduce the amount of water for the mixture, which allows some manufacturers to mention "gypsum polymer technologies". In fact, it all comes down to the use of hardening additives (plasticizers, hyperplasticizers, superplasticizers). The essence of the plasticizer is the increase in the consistency of the mixture while reducing (maintaining) the amount of water, which increases the density and, accordingly, the strength of the finished product.

Properties of the Materials.

The area of application of artificial stone directly depends on the properties of the materials used for its manufacturing, for example, a stone based on gypsum should be used only for interior decoration (indoors), due to its lack of water resistance. For finishing of wet premises or street facades of buildings, the cement stone should be used, which is completely water-resistant and frost-resistant material.


The use of combined methods is recommended for high-quality colouring of artificial stone. Namely, the internal colouring of the mortrar (for example, a dye is added to the water to mix the mixture) - for the uniformity of the colour of the stone (mixture), and, in addition, surface colouring of the stone is used. For example, immediately before casting the mould with a liquid mortrar, its segments are coloured with various pigments (the mould itself is coloured). When pouring a liquid mortrar, the pigment applied to the mould is absorbed into the top layer of the stone. Thus, the colour heterogeneity of the artificial stone is achieved. This and other colouring methods are described in details in the instructions for the use of the Kit for the production of artificial stone. The recommended pigments (included in the Kit) are used for colouring concretes, and are intended for outdoor use (water-, frost-, light- and alkali-resistant). Any suitable colourants (available at hardware stores) can be used for gypsum colouring (indoor use). A link to the details of one of the possible suppliers of the recommended pigments is available on the page "Questions".


In order to make the product durable (of high quality), it is necessary to reduce the amount of water for mixing the mixture to a comfortable minimum and, under the influence of vibration, evenly to distribute and concentrate it in the mould (the mixture must have time to spread out in the mould and vibrate). For this, for example, at home, the mould with the mortrar can be manually shaken for 30 - 60 seconds on a hard, even substrate (for example, a chipboard sheet). For the commercial production of artificial stone a vibrating table is required. Vibration is also used to release air bubbles from the surface of the mould, to prevent the appearance of cavities on the surface of the finished stone.

Setting Time and Mortrar Drying.

The setting time in the mould (before removal) of the gypsum mortrar is 15 - 30 minutes, then natural drying for 1-2 days, depending on the conditions (temperature, humidity). It is possible to heat gypsum up to 60 degrees to accelerate the moisture release. The hardening time of a cement mortar in the mould is 8-10 hours, then natural drying, premature moisture release (heating) is not recommended.

BUSINESS. Features of the Artificial Stone Market in Latvia

Artificial stone is produced mainly in large cities (regional centers). There is no production of artificial stone in small settlements, or an expensive imported product is sold.

Most manufacturers of artificial stone make it only on a cement basis, thereby focusing on outdoor use with a pronounced seasonality (installation is possible only at positive temperatures). As usual, a stone made of cement has a large thickness, weight and is inconvenient for processing and application in the interior.

The cost of the artificial cement stone is high due to low productivity, narrow sales market and pronounced seasonal demand.

Long-distance transportation of artificial stone does not make sense due to its large weight and losses, therefore, the local production on site is preferable.

Summary. The use of artificial cement stone (for exterior decoration) is gradually developing along with the development of individual construction (cottages, town houses, summer cottages, etc.), but, unfortunately, it is limited not only by the market narrowness (not everyone has a country house yet), but also by seasonal restrictions for installation. On the contrary, the market for interior artificial stone (indoor use), against the background of the almost complete absence of a corresponding supply, has a huge market for application (sales) and, thus, a wide potential for development and opportunities for production building and business conduction! A positive factor is also the higher productivity of gypsum stone, in contrast to cement stone. The large profit rate laid down in the production of cement stone by its manufacturers, taking into account the narrowness of the sales market and seasonal restrictions, also allows the manufacturers of interior decorative stone, with relatively low costs and higher productivity, to be a highly profitable enterprise, without seasonal drops, and with a huge sales market.

The main advantages of commercial production of interior artificial stone:
- large sales market capacity;
- absence of seasonal restrictions;
- high productivity;
- simplified, environmentally friendly production;
- absence of competition.
COST OF MATERIALS for production of artificial stone with our silicone moulds

We will not point at the "magically" low cost of stone production, but simply we will indicate the approximate consumption of raw materials for the production of 1 square meter of artificial stone, by using our polyurethane moulds. I think you can independently recalculate the cost of materials in the prices of the offer in your region.

Artificial gypsum stone. Material consumption for 1 sq. m. of finished decorative stone:
- gypsum (or mixture, a filler can be used!), 15 - 20 kg;
- pigment consumption, on average 0.5 - 1% by weight of the binding agent (without filler), maximum consumption - up to 2%;
- possible consumption of plasticizer (may not be applied) - 0.1% (tenth of 1%) by weight of gypsum;
- impregnation (wetting agent, may not be applied), 200 - 300 ml.
Gypsum/water ratio. Depending on the brand of gypsum, the amount of water for mixing it can vary from 40 to 70% of the gypsum mass. The higher the grade of gypsum, the less water is required and the stronger the finished product.
Conclusion: against the background of extremely low consumption of dyes and other additives, the main contribution to the production cost of gypsum artificial stone is made only by the main binding material for production (gypsum).
Cement artificial stone. Portland cement (gray, white) M400, M500 is used for production. Consumption per 1 sq. m. of finished facing stone:
- cement mixture (cement in proportion with filler, for example sand), 20 - 30 kg;
- pigment consumption 3-5% by weight of cement;
- plasticizer - similar consumption;
- wetting agent - similar to gypsum.
Conclusion - similar to gypsum composition.
Cement/sand/water ratio. The following proportion is recommended for facing artificial stone: cement with sand 1 : 2 to 1 : 4, water not more than 50% of the mass of cement.

P.S. The cost of materials for production may vary depending on the region, we recommend recalculating the cost in accordance with the prices of your suppliers.